Sherilyn Kaye Edwards: Competent Writer

As a child, Sherilyn Kaye Edwards was reliant upon the community around her, having to trust that others would meet her needs and help her when she was in a difficult situation. As Sherilyn Kaye Edwards became more self-sufficient, she began to understand that the responsibility of helping others was truly something that the entire community should be involved in. Sherilyn Kaye Edwards understood at an early age that the best thing for an individual to do was to give back to the community whenever and however they could. This understanding would shape Sherilyn Kaye Edwards’s life and career for years to come.

As Sherilyn Kaye Edwards entered college, she knew that she needed to find a major and a career that would allow her to give back to the community. After deciding to become an RN, Sherilyn Kaye Edwards sought out ways to help individuals in the community. As an RN, Sherilyn Kaye Edwards was able to help people through difficult times, offering medical help to the injured and peace of mind to their families. Sherilyn Kaye Edwards’s ability to reach people and help them understand the intricacies of the treatment processes made her a valuable asset to the medical community.

However, Sherilyn Kaye Edwards believes that giving back to the community should be more than simply doing a job. Such one-dimensional service, while admirable in its own right, was not enough for Sherilyn Kaye Edwards. As her experience grew, Sherilyn Kaye Edwards began to seek out other opportunities to help people in need, especially children. Sherilyn Kaye Edwards began to foster young medically fragile children in her home; reaching out to them and helping them recover from illness while staying with her. It is clear that Sherilyn Kaye Edwards truly knows the meaning of giving back.

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